We Shared a Beer with Tenenbaums


Whether they’re recording music in their home-built studio, jamming on stage at Total Drag, or having a beer at Fernson, you can find Tenenbaums in Sioux Falls, and they’re taking over. The young band, consisting of three Sioux Falls natives, Brandon Phrommany, Mike Helland, & Drew Helland, is once again playing at FernsonFest, and we can’t wait to have them back on the stage. In prep for our favorite event of the year, we sat down with the Tenenbaum boys and shared a beer. We talked new music, Sioux Falls and, of course, Gigglebees.


You guys just played Remedy’s 2 Year Anniversary, That Sounds Decent and released new singles on Spotify and Apple Music. When do you sleep? 

We go to bed at 11 pm every weeknight ;) Weekends are little later.

Tell us about your new singles “When I’m Away” and “In The Light.”

We wrote “When I’m Away” about a year ago, so we’re glad it’s finally out for everyone to hear. We wanted to write something minimalistic and build from a skeleton into a dance-y chorus. 

“In The Light” was written more recently, and we’re happy that we’re getting quicker at releasing music. This song is more garage-rock influenced, and we wanted to share a positive message through the lyrics.

How do you describe your music to people haven’t heard it before?

Garage new wave 

You’ve got a new album in the works; if you had to represent the new album as a beer, what would it be like?

Probably a golden ale because it goes down smooth.

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You guys all grew up in Sioux Falls. What was your favorite thing about growing up here? 

Its size, simplicity… Gigglebees…Grand Fun Alley

You’re all out of school and all chose to return to Sioux Falls. What’s your favorite thing about Sioux Falls now?

We really like the people here. Everyone’s kind and they support the creative culture of Sioux Falls. Whether its music, art or theatre – there’s an audience. 

Where can we find you out on a Saturday in Sioux Falls?

We’re at Fernson, duh. Next question. 

How has Sioux Falls influenced your music-making? 

The reception and love we’ve received from Sioux Falls encourages us to continue to write more music. It’s nice having an audience that’s receptive about our releases. 

It seems like you have a solid grasp on the Sioux Falls music scene. What’s next for you guys? 

Be on the look-out for new music, a new video and more show announcements. 

Check out Tenenbaums new music on Spotify here and give them a follow on social media here & here. Buy FernsonFest tickets here.


Photo credit: Ethan Wiese, Mason Horacek, Wes Eisenhauer, & Michael O'Hara

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